Woodanilling Progress Association
Woodanilling Co-operative
Progress Association.


Great Southern Herald
28 April 1945 – P3

Convened by Mr C. Miller, a public meeting was held in the Woodanilling Hall on Wednesday, March 28, to consider that formation of a Progress Association. This was well attended and keen interest was displayed in the suggested purposes of such an association.

These, shortly, are to establish a Display Room in which to house products of the district; to collate all available information regarding diseases of plant and animal life, and methods of eradication; to further the progress of the town and district generally, both socially and agriculturally.

It was resolved that the movement be known as the Woodanilling Co-operative Progress Association, its purpose being the encouragement ot co-operative effort and pooling of knowledge for the common good.

The following officers were elected: Chairman, Mr J. Dinwoodie; Secretary-Treasurer, Mr C. G. Miller; Committee, Messrs C. Quartermaine, G. Terlich, E. Cooper and E. L. Bell. A Ladies’ Section is to be formed, from which will be elected a representative to the general committee.

Assistance from various organisations was offered, as follows: The Westralian Farmers Ltd., donation of a show case, partitioned into 28 sectiuns, to be filled with samples of wool from Woodanilling clips during the coming season; also cards of wool showing typical faults. This firm also will provide illustrations showing the correct method of preparing skins for market. Messrs Paterson and Co., Ltd. and Elder, Smith and Co., Ltd. charts covering animal diseases, etc; the Trustees of the Wheat Pool of W.A., subscriptions to American publications dealing with the grain trade.

The Woodanilling Road Board expressed its willingness to co-operate with the activities of the association. It is generally felt that with this promising start, the display room and the efforts of the association will be of very real service to the district.

The organisation of a Library is under way, and it is the intention of the association to form a Debating Section, and to arrange for monthly addresses to be given by representatives of various industries.

Meetings, to which all are cordially invited, will be held on the last Wednesday of each month. Subscription was fixed at 2/6 annually and already the membership roll is an indication of the great public interest that is being displayed in the venture.

Negotiations are taking place for the Association to obtain suitable premises in Woodanilling for the Display Room, where the meetings will be held and to house the library, which will be available to all residents. A sincere appeal is being made for everyone who can to join up with the movement.