Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family. Warren Family.

WARREN , Robert William Allison. 1873 – 1961 – Died Dalwallinu WA
WARREN , Lilian Irwin. 1883 – 1945 – Died Dalwallinu WA

Robert Warren
Rockwell and Badgebup
Farewell Social and Presentation to Mr. & Mrs. Robert William Allison Warren.
The Rockwell Hall on Saturday evening was the scene of bustling activity, when the residents of Badgebup and Rockwell met to say farewell to Mr. and Mrs. R. W. A. Warren and family prior to their departure from the district to Dalwallinu. Mr. Warren having disposed of his property.
The hall had been prettily decorated with greenery for the occasion, the stage, particularly, presenting an artistic appearance. Although at 8 o’clock the building stood lonely and forlorn in complete darkness, a few minutes later the twinkling lights of cars could be seen approaching from all directions until shortly after the hour the place was alive with the brightness and animation of a gay crowd.
As soon as the guests of the evening had arrived, Mr. F. J. Noonan, who acted In the capacity of master of ceremonies, started the young people dancing, the evening then being passed in a most enjoyable manner with dancing, and musical items contributed by Misses G. and M Longmire, pianoforte duet, Mr. W. Cobb; song, Mrs. W. Flugge, song, Mr. J. D. Holmes, song, Mr. J. Toms, song, Miss G. Longmire, pianoforte solo Mrs. P. Rands, song, Mr. R. Scott, song. The musical programme was greatly appreciated, all the items receiving merited recalls.
Prior to supper, Mr. Noonan invited Mr. and Mrs. Warren to ascend the platform, when the serious part of the evening began. Before introducing the various speakers, Mr. Noonan said the evening was organised as a result of the spontaneous wish of residents of Rockwell and Badgebup to say good bye to Mr. and Mrs. Warren and to convey to their their good wishes for future prosperity and happiness.
Messrs. O. A. Caldwell and J. Toms, for Badgebup, and Mr. Walter Longmire and himself, for Rockwell, had been appointed a committee to arrange the evening, and on behalf of the committee he desired to thank all those, particularly the ladies, who had assisted, in any manner.
The leader of the Country Party, Mr. A. Thomson, M.L.A., said he spoke that night with very mingled feelings. In duty bound, he was compelled to congratulate Mr. Warren on having disposed of his property at a very handsome figure and to wish him every success for the future. He did that with all genuineness, but with a deep personal regret that he was losing a valued friend with an equally deep regret that the district was losing one of its pioneers. Mr. Warren had come to Katanning many years ago as young man, and with the optimism of youth had selected land far east of the furthermost eastern settlement, against the advice of the older settlers, who said no one could exist where he was going.
In these days of motor cars, 30 or 40 miles was no distance, but then it was a long day’s journey and it required courage to pioneer settlement east of the Great Southern, facing scarcity of water, lack of neighbours and no roads or means of communication. Despite the pessimism he met with, Mr. Warren and his brothers journeyed into the unknown and proved the country, thanks being very largely due to the Warren family for the successful developments which had taken place since in these particular areas.
A fighter as a home-maker Mr. Warren was also a fighter for his district and for producers generally. As soon as he had made a home for himself, and other settlers had begun to develop the surrounding country, he joined the Katanning Road Board, and for years represented the district, fighting for its advancement and betterment. When farmers began to Join together to protect their interests in a wider manner, Mr. Warren was in the forefront of the Farmers and Settlers movement, and right up to the present moment had been prominent in the affairs of the Primary Producers’ Association.
The district could ill-spare such a man, and the only consolation he could derive from the departure of Mr. and Mrs. Warren was that they would be going to some new district where Mr. Warren was sure to carry with him his enthusiasm regarding public matters and the welfare of the producer. Very sincerely he wished Mr. and Warren the best of success in their new sphere and trusted they would attain the happiness and success they deserved.
Mr. Synnott. who represented the Katanning District Council, endorsed the remarks of the previous speaker. He had known both Mr. and Mrs. Warren for many years and could appreciate what they had done, not only for their particular district but for the whole State.
When Mr. Warren had come to Western Australia it was famous for its “sin, sand and sorrow” only, and their guest had done his share in making it the coming State of the Commonwealth. Courage was required in those days to leave the settled areas of the Eastern States to tackle the unknown spaces of the West, but this Mr. Warren had done, and had pioneered not only wheat growing but sheep growing in this part of their State.
Anyone coming now to the district think that they had delve into the depths of history to reach the period when settlement at Katanning was comprised of a very small area immediately adjacent to the railway, and when wheat growing and sheep raising were untried problems. Really it was comparatively few years ago, and Mr. Warren was still in the prime of life.
Thanks were due to such families as the Warrens, however, that the State had gone forward so rapidly, and that “Walyming” was now almost too far west to be considered in the wheat country, whereas 30 years ago it was too far east for safe settlement. On behalf of the Katanning District Council and members of the Primary Producers Association he desired to convey to Mr. and Mrs. Warren the heartiest wishes for their continued success and happiness, and to express deep regret at their departure.
Mr. F. H. Flugge, on behalf of Rockwell residents, conveyed to the guests of the evening the deep regret felt at their impending departure. Their absence would mean a break in the social circle hard to bridge, and the hospitality of “Walyming” would be missed by many. He had followed Mr. Warren on the out-trail and had shared with him the early hardships, when water was scarce and wild dogs more numerous than sheep. Such experiences welded men together and engendered feelings which words failed to express.
He trusted Mr. Warren would find happiness and prosperity wherever he made his home, and the last wish he could make was that his new property would be as good as the old one, and the district no worse. On behalf of the Rockwell people it was his duty to present to Mrs. Warren an inscribed silver entree dish and to ask her to accept same as a mark of esteem and affection from her friends in the district.
Mr. Caldwell spoke on behalf of the the Badgebup people. They all deeply regretted that Mr. and Mrs. Warren were leaving the district and assured them that their best wishes would follow their fortunes. He personally had come to the district because Mr. Warren was already there, as many others bad done, and would never regret the steps he had taken. Pioneering today with motor cars and trucks and Government assistance was not the task it was 30 years ago, but yet each had its difficulties and brave hearts were still needed.
In losing Mr. Warren, sporting bodies of the district would suffer greatly. During the spare time of his pioneering days, Mr. Warren had started a rifle club, and had been its captain and one of its best shots. Later he had been interested in polo and then cricket, and in the latter game had proved his worth as captain of the Rockwell eleven. Lately he had taken up football, so the speaker had come to the conclusion that pioneering was good for one and I kept one young. As member of the Road Board, Mr. Warren had done a great deal for the district in road improvement, and as a member of the Primary Producers’ Association had worked equally hard for producers generally.
For himself and for their many friends in the Badgebup district he expressed sincere regret at the impending departure of Mr. and Mrs. Warren and conveyed to them best wishes for their future prosperity. Mr. Caldwell then presented Mr. Warren with a gold wristlet watch, suitably engraved, from Badgebup residents.
Mr. D’Arcy Evans, on behalf of the Rockwell Cricket Club, presented Mr. Warren with a gold-mounted leather wallet containing notes. He said that Mr. Warren, by his enthusiasm in sport, had given a lead to the younger men and had been largely instrumental in the success of the club. Sport generally would be the poorer by Mr. Warren’s departure and the presentation was offered to their guest as a sincere token of regard.
Following these presentations two little girls. Dawn Flugge, representing the Rockwell children, and Daphne Toms, representing the Badgebup children, each presented Mrs. Warren with a beautiful bouquet of flowers.
Amidst enthusiastic applause, Mr. R. W. A. Warren rose to respond to the previous speakers. On behalf of his wife and family and himself he thanked the people of the district for what they had said and for the presentations. It was hardly necessary to assure his friends that both would be treasured, in their minds and in their new home.
When he came to the district just on 30 years ago, in his wildest dreams he could not have imagined it would prosper so exceedingly that one day an assembly like that of the evening would be possible. His first experiences of making a home were trying, through lack of water and roads and the loneliness, but nothing to daunt a man. No young man could do better, in his opinion, than to go land-seeking in the fringes of settlement in this State, relying upon the past history of its development to obtain roads and railways and all other facilities long before he was too old to enjoy them. Western Australia was the young man’s State, the land was good, the climate was good, and it required only a stout heart and confidence to win to success.
Reference had been made to his activities on the Road Board and with the Primary Producers. These were the result of a spirit of self-preservation. It was a case of going after what you wanted or going without. Whilst serving on the Road Board he had made many friends, and in the hall that night was two at least who had served with him, Mr. Flugge and Mr. Alex. Prosser, and who still occupied positions on the Board. Public service had its own compensations and rewards, and his connection with the Katanning District Council P.P.A. had brought him in close touch with men whose friendship he would always prize. Mr. Jos. Ladyman, past president of the Council, was not present that evening, but he had received from him a letter conveying sentiments which he trusted were justified.
The time he had given to sport was well spent and he delighted in meeting younger men on equal terms on the playing field. The presentation from the Rockwell Cricket Club touched him particularly, and would serve to remind him of the many happy hours he had passed with the young men and boys of his own and the surrounding districts.
Again, on behalf of Mrs. Warren and himself, he returned his most heartfelt thanks for the kindnesses and goodwill expressed that night. The vociferous singing of “For they are jolly good fellows” and three times three brought this portion of the evening lo a close, supper and dancing concluding a very happy evening.

Warren Homestead 1900
Great Southern Herald
8 December 1950
On November 25, 1950, the Katanning Branch of the W.A. Historical Society held a picnic outing at Badgebup and in the evening a number of papers were presented to members and friends attending. One paper was prepared by Mr. R. W. A. Warren now of Evans Soak, Dalwallinu, and gave a brief account of the early development of lands east of Katanning and now known as Dyliabing, Walyamlng and Warramininup.

First dwelling at Warnaminup – 1900
Mr. Warren paid tribute to the early settlers, most of whom had stayed through hard times and came out on top, although none earned the reward they merited and he often wondered why they did so much for so little. Mr. R. W. A. Warren came over from South Australia to the goldfields in March 1895, after working on a cattle station at Coopers Creek until the rabbit plague ruined the station.
While working as a miner at Kanowna and later as an assayer’s hand at Kalgoorlie, he first heard of the good agricultural land in W.A. from Patrick McMahon, who afterwards helped pioneer the Lake Grace district. Having several brothers still in South Australia, Mr. Warren wrote to his father concerning the land and arranged to meet him in Katanning; chosen because there was a flour mill there and it was on the same latitude as Burra in South Australia. By settling further north Mr. Warren thought that he would get out of the best soil in the state and into a lees constant rainfall.
Mr. H. S. Ranford was the Government Land Agent at the time and, under the guidance of Peg Farmer, the native officer, the area was inspected. The land chosen comprised 5.000 acres at 10/- per acre, payable over 20 years. Included in the selection were three free homestead farms of 160 acres each. These were in the selection before survey days and when the surveyor came a settler had the right to have the lines run as he pleased, provided they ran with the Meridian, or at right angles to it. While waiting for the surveyor, the late Mr. W. B. Christie, Mr. Warren cleaned out soaks and went all over the area with a prismatic compass so as to be able to tell the surveyor just where he wanted the boundaries run.
As Mr. Warren knew little of West Australian soil at the time, he judged It on the grass growing and did his level best to have some rich uncrossed Salmon country left out but, fortunately, this could not be done. He was wrong again in thinking the land running south via Gidjellharrup to Badgebup was of poor quality.
Hearing that Mr. Christie was at the “Cattle Station,” ten miles east of Wagin, Mr. Warren rode a bicycle there via Coomelberrup and across Dumbleyung Lake: the only person he saw on that journey was a deaf and dumb man tending some sheep, and the only sign of settlement was at Mr. George Keraley’s where there was a good spring.
Arriving at “Cattle Station” it was found that Mr. Christie’s delay was caused by his anticipating the motor car by being engaged in making big buggy into a man-propelled vehicle; the idea being that his men would propel it by pedalling cranks. He, however, abandoned this idea and travelled in the conventional manner.
Mr. Christie made a most interesting companion; he had the history and the design of the Pyramids at his fingertips and gave lectures on this subject. In New South Wales, where he edited a newspaper he had been a most outspoken man and fought 14 libel actions winning all but one, for which failure he had to accept the hospitality of the Queen.
At this time there were no surveyed roads east of Katanning, but only twisting tracks made by sandalwood carters; one ran S.W. of where Dyliabing is now, past Mr. Simper’s property, and so to Katanning and the other ran over the ironstone ridges out to Glencove and thee moth to Katanning.

John Campbell Warren and his wife Lillie – c1900
Mr. Warren’s brother, Mr. J C. Warren, came over early in 1898 with a number of horses and plant. The wells that had been sunk were soon finished, so it was necessary to clear a track to Corackin, half-way to Katanning, where a quantity of well water was available. The winter rains were very late that year, not till June, and luckily rain fell the day they hauled the last water from the well. By using a boring plant and a dam sinking outfit, a dam 2,000 yards and 10 feet deep was scooped, thus bringing the water problem to an end.
In 1898 the two brothers cleared some land and had about 80 acres in crop. Although no superphosphate was used, an average of 12 bushels was reaped, besides a quantity of hay. Having now a good water supply, ring-barking and fencing were the next two jobs. As the dingoes were very troublesome they erected on the boundaries a dog proof fence, about eight miles of which was rabbit-proof wire, because although the rabbits were not about Mr. R. W. A. Warren considered such a condition would not last. The netting, 36 inches by 1 ½ inch, 18 gauge, was made in Sydney and cost £21/10/- per mile f.o.b. there, and another £21/10/- per mile to erect. Two mile of German netting was also obtained and was found to be of much better quality.
Besides the dingoes, the Warrens were faced with many other troubles: one year eagles killed half their lambs and for the first time in their lives they had blowflies striking the sheep. Bush fires were another menace; they appeared to start from nowhere and gradually came down on them.

Drafting sheep at Dyliabing c1910
At first the Warren brothers had difficulty in droving sheep to and from Katanning, the whole area being covered with deadly poison bush, but later a track via Badgebup, across Coyrecup Lake, and past Ewlyamartup Lake was found comparatively free. Even then there was a patch of York Road poison across which the sheep had to be hurried.
After obtaining permission from the Lands Department, a surveyor was sent to survey a road out from Katanning but when this gentleman arrived he Just set his theodolite at the start and went straight ahead, in some instances over the highest parts of the hillocks. When the two brothers complained about this the surveyor said a crooked road would look bad on the map.
However, it was not many years before a spur railway was built from Katanning and they agreed with the engineers in their Idea of building a loop like Beverley, but business men in Katanning said that they did not want new towns springing up here and there, which reflected opinion of the time. Mr. R. W. A. Warren now lives at the terminus of a loop line, where he gets three trains a week, and is convinced the Great Southern spur lines were a great mistake, and that someday they will he looped up on another connection to Albany.

Great Southern Herald
28 February 1903 – p2
By ” Our Special”
No. 1. Messrs Warren Bros.
A trinity of brothers, sons of that veteran agriculturish politician and farmers’ friend in sunny South Australia, to wit the Hon. John Warren, are the joint holders of the title deeds of the immense selection known as “Dyliabing,” which easily ranks as one of the first farms in the Great Southern district. The three brothers are Messrs J. C., R. W. A. and A. F. Warren, named in order of seniority.
College educated and reared in their home state in the lap of comparative luxury, they have none the less proved fearless, capable and successful “fighters of the forest’ in this district and, by their joint endeavours, Dyliabing and Walyamup, their two homesteads, have been made the headquarters of two estates, practically one, which are destined to figure most prominently in the agricultural statistical records of W.A.
It was in 1897 that the father of the brothers selected 5,400 acres, Dyliabing, after an inspection of the area in company, with the indefatigable Government land agent, Mr H.S. Ranford. That original area was some time back increased to about 8,000 acres, and, at the moment of writing, the brothers have applications in for an additional 2,000 acres. So that ere long their joint estate will represent an extent of about 10.000 acres. To metropolitan folk the elder of the trinity, Mr J. C Warren, will be best, known and remembered. as the gentleman who visited Perth and spent some time in ardent advocacy of the cause of Federation.
When the grown children of the Honourable Warren journeyed westward ho from the sunny south and, figuratively speaking, pitched their tents at Dyliabing, the prospects were not rosy-hued. The country which their father had selected for them was practically barren; it had been tried and found wanting – barren of natural water during many summers.
But with energy and hope born of practical experience in the country of their birth the brothers set to and built dams with a view to the secure conservation of water, and success crowned their earliest efforts. Their well-sinking efforts were not unfruitful. In one, at a depth of 113ft., a supply averaging 125 to l30 gallons a day was struck but as this was close to a big dam ifs use was obviated.
Of seven dams scooped out, the most capacious is that holding nearly a quarter of a million gallons close to the homestead, a fall of two inches of rain being necessary to fill it. The supply of water obtained by the brothers per medium of their dams is now regularly ample to supply, were the action necessary, all their neighbours who, at times, have been sorely pressed for water. The immense homestead dam just referred to provided the only water in the immediate vicinity last summer at the end of which there was 3ft. of water in it.
Another dam of large capacity is that formed in a deep creek by a bank thrown across. Mr Graham, of Fairfield, first formed this reservoir which, however, was destroyed by a flood coming down the creek. The Warrens have re-made the dam, forming the cross bank with dirt, packed on approved engineering principles and faced with clay, and it is expected to withstand any flood that may happen along. A team could be driven over the bank.
The intention of the brothers is to provide a number of smaller dams 30 by 20 yards of a depth of from 8ft. to 10ft., in paddocks, which they calculate will easily carry 500 sheep through a bad summer. They contemplate the provision of such dams realising the advisability of not requiring the sheep to travel for water. Thus, per medium of the dams already permanent supply sources, the country under the control of the Messrs Warren has been transformed from a water-barren waste to a well-watered area. And the future of the very land where, not seven years ago, sheep would not live and farming spelt ruin, is rich with possibilities.
At the time of my visit to Dyliabing signs of harvest end were manifest. The brothers Warren had only comparatively small area of 60 acres under crop last year, and, cut for hay, it averaged 13 cwt. to the acre. Nine acres reaped for poultry feed provided a rich supply.
The Dyliabing homestead is essentially a comfortable one. A horizontal slab dwelling, plastered inside, its rooms number eight, exclusive of kitchen, bathroom, out-houses, and all the requisite adjuncts of a well-appointed “Government House” on a station of its extensive area.
At this headquarters of the brothers, the stranger is invariably taken in and done for (using the terms their sense and hospitality) and made right royally welcome. The enquiries of the most inquisitively inclined desirous of looking over their estate – be he a chief taking notes or a probable selector on adjoining country – are satisfied in the fullest detail by the brothers, trips out in all directions from the homestead being accorded every visitor, and the creature comforts of all those on the inspection bent are all the while being studied.
Such, at least, was the experience of the writer, who would place on record his opinion that hospitality is a term synonymous with the name of Dyliabing. It was noted that close to the homestead a number of young fruit frees of every variety, pear, plum, apple, cherry, orange and quince, and grape vines were showing promise of being prolific when grown to maturity. Vegetables have also been cultured in the spring and it is hoped that when irrigation is instituted in that particular garden, succulent vegetables will be available the year through.
The country “squatted” upon by the brothers Warren varies a good deal, but a greater portion of it is the red salmon gum country which, in the selectors’ opinion, is the best of the lot. They have ring-barked about 5,000 acres on the best of the land. The trees take about two years to die completely after ring-barking, and then the country, previous to which is barren of grass, hardly a blade being visible, becomes rich with grass.
The firm were fortunate enough to have saved up 600 acres of splendid feed, but a quantity of that stock was burnt by a bush fire which originated from an old stump which ring-barkers had set fire to about September last. The old stump smouldered till the summer set it – a period of about six weeks – and then set the dry grass alight.
Just now there are running 2,000 head of merino sheep on the Messrs Warren estates, and within a couple of years the number of bales which will be clipped will do high credit to Dyliabing. The wool grown so far is a particularly clean sample, free from dirt and light the greases. After a specially good season several paddocks are fed off in the early spring, before the grass seeds are ripe – five or six sheep running to the acre. The sheep eat the grass right down and their fleece is in no way damaged.
The brothers have tried lucerne growing, but this excellent fodder grass did not thrive too well; the exceptionally long dry summer being against it. The lucerne sown, however, did not die. It would have thrived if the season had been an average one, or if some rain had fallen in the summer.
The Warrens intend taking no chances with the rabbit pest. “Brother Bunny” will find Dyliabing protected with rabbit proof fencing. This is sunk four inches in the ground for eight miles of twenty – the Lysaght 3ft brand – a 1 ½ inch mesh. The fencing is the first of its kind on any large scale in the state. Further protection against the ravages if wild dogs is provided by two barbed wires above the netting making a height of 3’ 10” to the top wire. Dingoes have been found plentiful after the first seasons rains, being very troublesome just then. Twenty or thirty were poisoned per medium of baits, of which hundreds are scattered around the fencing.
In all there were 24 head of horses on the station at the time of my visit including the handsome dark chestnut draught stallion “Prince Albert,” who won second honours at the last Broomehill and Katanning shows. The horse is now rising six-years-old, and his stock show great promise.
A full supply of all farming implements were to be seen, and the brother’s possession of their own blacksmith’s forge – a most useful adjunct – was also noted.
Dyliabing is a long way out from Katanning, the centre from which its produce, stock and wheat must be shipped, and the existing roads are heavy. However, big improvements by the Roads Board are not only possible, but probable, and thereby the work of carting caring produce in will be greatly facilitated. For the rest, in conclusion, I may add that Dyliabing is quite one of the “sights to see” in the Great Southern Districts area.
From Alyson Cooper:
“Warrens” from the Nyabing Historical Society Collection as collected for the Nyabing Centenary Book in 2012.
Photos from the Ross and Heather Mills Family. Following is an Extract from the Centenary Book from the Clegg Family story.
“Warnaminup” – Kent Shire.
Warnaminup was part of the land selected by the Warren family in 1897. By January 1898 the Warren’s were preparing to settle in Western Australia from South Australia. By 1904 the four Warren Brothers had split their properties up with J.C. Warren on ‘Dyliabing’, R.W.A. Warren at ‘Walyaming’, Elliot Warren on ‘Warnaminup’ and Arnold Warren on ‘Boongadoo’.
Elliot Warren farmed ‘Warnaminup’ until 1949. Over the years this entailed such chores as carting wheat to Dumbleyung with horses and a wagon until the railway was extended to Nyabing in 1912. Sheep were run but were subject to attack by Dingoes. When his two daughters required schooling, he was instrumental in having a school opened on the North Boundary of the Kent Shire, attended by a number of local children.
“Boongadoo” – Kent Shire
‘Boongadoo’ was the most eastern selection and was not as accessible from Katanning as the other blocks so when Arnold Warren decided to move back to South Australia in 1914 it was sold.
“Dyliabing” – Katanning Shire.
J.C. Warren of ‘Dyliabing’ settled here in 1898 closely followed by his young wife and small son Campbell. A further five children were born in the next ten years; one of which was Gilbert who carried on the farm after J.C. died in 1947.
In 1975 after Gilbert, who was a bachelor died, the farm was taken over by his nephew Brian Clegg with his wife Doreen. Brian’s mother was Mr and Mrs J.C. Warren’s daughter Margaret. Now in 2011 the farm is run by Brian and son Tim Clegg with his wife Felicity and two sons Howie and Max.

Above and below:
“Shearing Break at Dyliabing, Warrens”
(from the Ross Mills Family)
Gordon Mills, Douglas Phillips, J C Warren, Bob Johnston, Jarvis Smith unknown at rear.

“Shearing Break at Dyliabing, Warrens”
(from the Ross Mills Family)
Gordon Mills, Douglas Phillips, J C Warren, Bob Johnston, Jarvis Smith unknown at rear.
St Peter’s Church, Nyabing Road, Badgebup
This church was built in 1922 by J.C. Warren and district residents as a memorial to fallen soldiers of World War 1. Among these soldiers was John Campbell Warren eldest son of J.C. Warren. Read more

St Peter’s Anglican Church
Great Southern Herald
20 June 1934 – P2
The following extract from a letter from Mr. J. Herbert Eales, architect, of Perth, to Mr. J. C. Warren, of Badgebup, will interest a large number of people in the district.
“Some months ago, the various architectural institutes in Australasia, New Zealand, South Africa and all other of the British dependencies affiliated with the mother Royal Institute of British Architect, were invited to send home photographs of contemporary buildings of outstanding merit, from which a selection could be made for the purpose of holding an international exhibition in London to celebrate the centenary of the foundation of the R.I.B.A. in 1834.
In turn, the various State institutes here in Australia invited their practising members to submit examples of their work and, with many others, we accepted the invitation and sent in photos of several representative buildings.
“A committee of our W.A. Royal Institute selected some of our works, and these were sent home to join the output from the Commonwealth, and then the final selection was made there by a special committee of the R.I.B.A., Great Britain.
“We have just received notification from this body that a photograph of the Badgebup Church of England, taken by me some years ago showing a north-east view, has been accepted, and we have been asked to send home an enlargement, 23in. x 16in., of the picture, which has been returned to us for that purpose.
“I am sure you will be pleased to hear that this photographic memento of the church so dear to you and your family is to find a permanent place in the gallery of the new Royal Institute now nearly completed. Needless to say, we feel highly honoured that our work should have met with such distinction.”
The death of Campbell Warren
Sometime last year I attended re-union of diggers at Lake Grace, and on my return had a photograph of St. Peter’s Church, Badgebup, published in “The Western Mail,” together with a brief description of that sacred edifice, which is indeed a unique memorial to a fallen soldier. It was erected by Mr. and Mrs. John Campbell Warren, of Dyliabing, in memory of their son, Private John Campbell Dale Warren, of the 16th Battalion, A.I.F. Mr. Warren was in Perth recently, and he gave me a pamphlet with the story of the church and the details of his son’s death.
These details came to hand in a curious way. Mrs. W. K [unclear] personal friend of Mrs. Warren, and well known to the earlier settlers of the district, acted in the honorary capacity of official reader of reports on casualties at the headquarters of the Australian Red Cross Society in London. Mrs. Adam, in the course of her duty, met and questioned Private K. S. G. Tilley, actually the only man who could tell the story. It was indeed a coincidence that one of the few persons in England to whom the name of Campbell Warren meant anything could have met the one man who could give particulars of his death.
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