

Great Southern Herald
17 October, 1934

The death occurred at the Katanning Hospital on Sunday morning after a brief illness of Mr. Morris Trimming, of “Woodlands”, Woodanilling, aged 64, a well-known and highly respected resident of many years standing in the district. Less than a fortnight ago, Mr. Trimming contracted influenza, and when his condition did not improve, he entered the Katanning Hospital for treatment. Some days later pneumonia supervened, with fatal results.

Mr. Trimming, who came to the district about 40 years ago with his parents from the Eastern States, carried on the property “Woodlands” on the death of his parents, with his sister, who predeceased him about 12 months ago, neither of them marrying.

Quiet and unassuming, Mr. Trimming had a genuine disposition which endeared him to all with whom he came in contact. Unostentatious in all his actions, he did good by stealth, many in these districts receiving a helping hand front him when the need was most urgent.

As a farmer, he was a great experimenter and was the first in this area to foresee a future in currant and sultana growing. Commencing from a single currant vine planted by his father when first the family settled at ‘Woodlands”, Mr. Trimming developed the currant and sultana industry until it assumed a considerable place in the activities of his farm, his dried fruits winning commendation from experts wherever handled.

Also, he was a great judge of stock, and his Merino flock was of very high standard. His death deprives the district of a man of high calibre and one who will very greatly be missed.

The funeral took place in the rites of the Anglican Church on Tuesday morning, the graveside service being conducted by the Rev. Canon W. Watson. Funeral arrangements were in the hands of Mr. John Squiers.


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