sheep theft. sheep theft

With Western Australia’s vast open spaces it seems sheep stealing has always been a problem for the farming community. It was obviously a major problem in this region in 1918. So much so that a number of farmers pooled their resources to provide a reward of £200 and to place the advertisement below in the local newspaper.

Many families were still in the process of clearing their land and trying to establish their farming enterprises. The last thing they needed at the time was for people to steal livestock.

It also provides a snapshot of farming properties and the families who owned and operated them at the time. Most have changed hands many times since then and many have been absorbed by neighbouring properties.

sheep theft

Early Australian Merino Ram


£200 Reward £200

Great Southern Herald
26 October 1918 – p1

NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a reward of Two Hundred Pounds (£200) will be paid to any person supplying information which shall lead to the conviction and imprisonment of any person or persons stealing sheep from the undermentioned properties. All persons who can supply such information are to communicate with any of the following:

F. S. Thompson, Nardlah, Broomehill
Thos. Anderson, Condeena, Broomehill
A. F. C. Burt, Gannawarra, Katanning
E. L. Holly, Lowlands, Katanning
E. B. Anderson, Wensleydale, Broomehill
E. B. Wood, Rosnari, Carrolup
W. B. Haggerty. Clyde Farm, Kojonup
G. L. Hardie, Wallinar, Broomehill
James & Ridley, Boyaninnup, Broomehill
C. Anderson, Narrawong, Carrolup
David Stewart, Pallinup, Broomehill
T. E. Richardson, Broomehill
G. E. H. House, Chilbolton, Katanning
R. Clayton, Manton Vale. Broomehill
J. C. Warren, Dyliabing, Katanning E.
G F. Meyer, Broomehill
Murray Bros., Beeginup, Broomehill
C. E. P. Davis, Clear Hills, Broomehill
N. L. P. Davis, Lindon, Gnowangerup
O. P. Richardson, Gnowangerup
M. Corbett, Telyarup, Gnowangerup
F. M. House, Privett, Gnowangerup
E. H. Richardson, Gnowangerup
R. J. N. Richardson, Gnowangerup
E. D. Warren, Warnaminnup, Katanning East.
J. Wigglesworth, Doreenup, Kojonup
O. Crane, Cartmeticup
E. F. Richardson, Broomehill
P. Corbett, Gnowangerup
F. O’Meehan, Mourcourup, via Gnowangerup
W.L. Holly, Fairview, Broomehill
C. F. Wanke, Moojepin, Katanning
F. H. Flugge, Rockwell
H. J. Charsley, Nampup, Nyabing
W. H. Forbes, Poonana, Katanning

R. S. Bell, Woodanilling
Bignell Bros., Thelma, Kojonup
J. R. Patterson, Hope Farm, Woodanilling
James Bros., Bibiking, Katanning East
Rowan and Macrae, Dunbar, Katanning
David Milne, Moana, Borden
G. M. Webb, Chaningup, Kojonup
P. H. Crossley, Clifton, Cartmeticup
J. R, L. Brinkley, Wyndyate, Cartmeticup
R.W. A. Warren, Walyaming, Katanning East
A. Ball. Katanning
Bell Bros., Bellvue, Woodanilling
W. T. Dale, Katanning
Perkins Bros., Danetree, Kojonup
H. O. Timms, Glengarry, Gnowangerup
Johnston and Johnston, Araluen, Gnowangerup
J. W. P. Wray, Roundwood, Broomehill
E. J. and A. B. Stone, Magitup, Gnowangerup
Balston and Cowan, The Springs, Tambellup
Formby Bros., Chirelillup, Gnowangerup
W. Longmire, Senr., The Glen, Carrolup
Walter Longmire, Katanning East
A. R. Ladyman, Kanooka, Carrolup
James Jeffrey, Yarrinup, Kojonup
Ross Anderson, Illareen, Katanning
N. J. C. Treleaven. Chillicup, Broomehill
S. R. A. Corney, The Rest, Broomehill
Alfred Batchelor, Wellsbourne, Broomehill
W. M. Garrity, Glen Iris, Broomehill
T. McGuire, Fermoy, Broomehill
Arthur Rohrs, Maileup, Gnowangerup
The Palmirup Grazing Co., Palmirup, Kojonup
F. W. Ross, Riversdale, Frankland River, via Cranbrook
A. Nelson, Broomehill

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One thought on “SHEEP THEFT

  1. 103 years after most of these properties still are in the same families and farm names remain the same.

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