Jubilee business review. Jubilee Business Review. Jubilee Business Review. Jubilee Business Review. Jubilee Business Review. Jubilee Business Review. Jubilee Business Review.

In 1939, Katanning celebrated its Jubilee Year and the world went to war. Local finances were very tight and people where looking for the best value for their pound, even if that meant spending elsewhere. In 1941, the Great Southern Herald ran a special feature promoting local business and urging people to SHOP LOCAL. Although World War Two was the cause back then, it seems not much has changed in all that time… except the businesses themselves. Businesses that have come and gone over the years. The feature also included businesses from surrounding towns however, below is the complete feature relating to Katanning.

Great Southern Herald
5th February 1941

Personality Review
Special Feature Section

Katanning, on May 1, 1939, celebrated its Jubilee – on May 1, 1889, the Great Southern Railway was linked together from north and south just north of the present town of Katanning, and the foundations were laid for the beautiful, well-built town which since has grown from primeval forest surroundings. Looking at the architectural beauty of the substantial business houses, the wide, well-kept surfaced roads, the attractive modern homes throughout the thousand acres covered by the present town and such wonderful facilities for sport and enjoyment as the tennis courts, bowling green, golf courses, electrically lit trotting course and, last, but by no means least, the swimming pool, one comes to some understanding of the driving force of the business people and the potentialities of a district that made all this possible in the brief space of fifty years. The farming areas held the potential wealth and the farmers and the business people between them, in a spirit of cooperative assistance, have marketed that wealth and made Katanning the town of beauty and importance it is today.

In the accompanying articles, we are giving a brief resume of the business people and their activities who have done so much to bring about such an outstanding achievement. It is up to you – every one of you – to assist them to continue this work of building up your own town by SHOPPING LOCALLY.


Estate T. E. Applin.

It must be something unique in dairying to find the herd of a dairyman composed entirely of pure-bred animals, yet this is so in the case of the Katanning Dairy, where the milking herd is made up solely of pedigreed milking Shorthorn and Guernsey cattle.

Established by the late T. E. Applin, an English cattle breeder, many years ago, the Katanning Dairy is a component part of the Monksgreen Stud, which has produced many notable animals of Illawarra Shorthorn and Guernsey strains, the success achieved at shows being demonstrated by numerous cups, trophies and prize cards for both breeds.

From this herd of pure-bred cattle, maintained in show condition, only the best of milk is supplied to customers; a speciality being made of reserving the milk of an individual cow for the needs of invalids or infants when ordered by a doctor. The dairy itself is run on entirely modern and hygienic lines, with efficient dust and fly-proof milk rooms and up-to-date coolers, to ensure that the milk is received by the customer absolutely uncontaminated.

The dairy and stud are now managed by Victor and Thomas Applin, sons of the founder, who have had life-long experience in both aspects of the business and who successfully maintain the reputation established by their father for punctual and efficient delivery to all parts of the town. Although their business keeps them very fully occupied, Messrs. Victor and Thomas Applin find time for recreation in sport – trotting and football providing their chief relaxation.


MR. A. G. Hobbs.

One cannot realise the value of secondary industry in a country town unless the matter is gone into thoroughly. At Mr. A. G. Hobbs’s Katanning Machine Bakery, for instance, much more than flour is used to supply the needs of a large district in cakes and pastries, as well as bread.

Equipped with the most modern machinery for cake and bread mixing, Mr. Hobbs’ normal Christmas trade in rich fruit cake runs into well over a ton – the finished article finding a market as far afield as the north-west, the goldfields and the south-west, in addition to a very large local sale.

A ton of cake! Just imagine the dozens of eggs, the pounds and pounds of currants, sultanas and crystallised fruit that go into the making, in addition to flour made from good Katanning wheat. So, this local industry provides a market for 4,000 dozen eggs, 1,200 lb. dried fruit, 4,000 lb. butter, besides sugar and other items, and by buying your cakes and pastries from the Katanning Machine Bakery, not only at Christmas-time, but right through the year, farmers are helping themselves as well as getting an article that is thoroughly good and made only from the best ingredients.

Besides making first-class white bread, Mr. Hobbs supplies most appetising malt, wholemeal and brown bread, and is the manufacturer of the well and favourably known “Balloon Brand” self-raising flour.

Mr. A. G. Hobbs commenced business in Katanning in 1916 and, although a busy man, has found time to identify himself with all town activities. He was a member of the Katanning Road Board for a period and is now a director of Katanning Flour Mills Ltd. and a member of the Katanning Chamber of Commerce. He takes a great interest in sport and is a playing member of the Katanning Golf Club and the Katanning Bowling Club.


MR. Les Kanzler, Manager.

jubilee business review

The modem picture theatre brings before our eyes the news and events taking place in all parts of the world. Though we may complain of propaganda appearing in the newspapers, the camera cannot lie, and we see world-wide items of importance exactly as they took place; we can view all famous sporting events as if they were really present, and by the medium of films, the finest plays are depicted with startling realism, precisely as in life.

At the Katanning Theatre, news reels from all parts of the world are shown, and soon after the reading of an incident in the newspaper you may go along and see it as it actually happened. Assuring that every picture of note is shown, films are obtained from all studios, soon after leaving the metropolitan area and long before the exhilaration over a certain attraction has subsided, Katanning folk are able to see it at their own theatre.

The theatre itself is modern and spaciously built on the best accepted lines. One of a chain of theatres leased by Kanzler Brothers, they have branch theatres at Albany, Mt. Barker and other centres. Mr. Les Kanzler has gained the reputation of obtaining for the Katanning theatre the best possible pictures, and the programmes are deservedly popular.

On Wednesdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays, and sometimes on Mondays and Thursdays, it is possible to obtain good value in first-class entertainment at the Katanning Theatre.


Mr. J. A. Meldrum.

It may well be said that we are a “nation of shop-keepers,” and this quotation can be taken as a compliment. Without such men as Mr. J. A. Meldrum to supply the community with his indispensable goods and services, our importance as a unit of the vast British Empire would be nil.

Stocking a wide range of goods, Mr. Meldrum has the advantage of being able to furnish practically all your needs. At his well-run store he can supply you with all your groceries, right down to the well-known and ever more popular Amgoorie Tea, and not only do you purchase goods of exceptional quality and value here, but you will receive service that is nowhere else so completely individual and destined to meet with the approval of all.

A resident of Katanning for the last thirty-five years, Mr. Meldrum has had considerable business experience, and includes in his services to the public a licensed Land and Commission Agency. With his thorough knowledge of the district, he is well qualified to guard your interests if you have a farm, or a block of land, or a house to sell; and as a valuator in seeing that you obtain honest dealing, he is indispensable. Go to Meldrum’s at all times for value and willing service.


Mr. John Squiers.

jubilee business review

When that extended hand of death reaches out and claims someone from our midst, it is then that the undertaker comes forth and shows himself as he really is – a benevolent and kindly person – one of us, and one who is willing to do his utmost to lighten the burden resting on our shoulders.

Only a few could hope to succeed in this exacting profession, for the position requires tact above the ordinary, an insight that few possess, and a sense of dignity and refinement that is rare. Katanning is fortunate in possessing such an undertaker as Mr. John Squiers, who combines all these qualities in the pursuit of his profession.

From the time he enters the house he takes complete charge, ably handling all responsibility. It is he who attends to all the little details that the overwrought persons have either forgotten to perform or which they are incapable of performing under the shadow of their bereavement. Mr. Squiers’ experience in his delicate task is as unbounded as his knowledge and understanding of the atmosphere in which he has to work. He has the confidence that is born of long association with the members of the community who have, perforce, to call upon his services.

Mr. Squiers’ profession dates back to 1900, when he was established as the first undertaker in the district. One of the pioneer townsmen of Katanning, he is regarded as a very worthy citizen of this town, and is, indeed, the man upon whose judgment you can rely when the occasion warrants it.

He is agent for the Alliance Assurance Co. Ltd., which covers fire, marine and accident, and he is also agent for A. C, Spargo, Monumental Mason in Narrogin.


Mr. Tom Savory.

An establishment in Clive Street which attracts the attention of all who pass by is the extremely modern and well-equipped hairdressing establishment of Mr. T. H. Savory. A resident of the town for a few months only, already he has won favour with a large circle of customers, due to his personal efficiency and the appearance of cleanness and neatness presented by his shop. All appurtenances are of the most modern and hygienic design and clients, both ladies and gentlemen, can be assured of thoroughly satisfactory treatment in accordance with their own particular desires.

With extensive experience in his business in the city and other leading centres of the State, Mr. Savory has come to Katanning with a reputation for modern hairdressing and scalp treatment which should commend him particularly to lady customers. In keeping with his standing in the trade, he has stocked his shop with all the best of toilet requisites and also has a very fine range of fancy ware and plated goods, in addition to tobaccos, cigarettes and cigars.

Mr. Savory meets the needs of the smoker in every detail and his pipes, particularly, will commend themselves to the man of discrimination.


Mrs. Spitty.

The health and strength of the nation is built on such a soft-seeming food as milk. The most hardened digger enjoys his long cool glass at the milk-bar. How necessary then, that in order to promote further this universal trend in favour of milk, all supplies should be abundant, constant, and pure.

In Katanning, a dairy that combines all favourable qualifications is that of Mrs. Spitty. Hers is one of the most efficient and up-to-date to be found within many a long distance, obtaining all its supplies as it does from the healthiest of tested herds. From the time the milk supplied by this dairy is obtained from the cows, until the time it is delivered in an excellent delivery service to the homes of a large clientele, it under goes a hygienic treatment that is beyond all reproach, and which is the guarantee of the health of your family from the tiniest tot to its adult brothers and sisters.

With a wide reputation for the nutritive value of its products, Mrs. Spitty’s Dairy daily becomes more popular, as housewives realise that from her more than from any other dairyman they may obtain constant and unremitting value. Not only is the milk from The Dairy, of Katanning, the purest and freshest obtainable, and with a wide reputation for its extra and creamy nutritive consistency, but it is delivered in a manner to please the most fastidious housewife. For efficient and expeditious service at all times, Spitty’s are unexcelled.

It is due to the determination of the owner of this popular dairy to at all times give of her best in serving the public needs that her patrons, having once availed themselves of her services continue to do so.


Mr. J. R. Taylor.

All people like to keep records of their personal achievements, both as tokens of a former glory or as something of interest to friends and relatives: Photographs, whether taken in an hour of victory, at a family gathering, after a wedding, or merely at some important stage in life, invariably represent personal interest for someone, while their impersonal interest is that they are a record of someone of something.

Practically since it became a town, Katanning has been singularly fortunate in its endowment of photographers, and Mr. J. R. Taylor, Katanning’s only full-time portrait artist, is no exception, even in view of the remarkable strides which science has made possible in his profession in recent years.

Mr. Taylor is a young man and a progressive one, with six years’ experience as a master photographer, apart from the time be spent in learning his profession. In his modern studio he executes all classes of photography, including colour portraiture, and one of the surest proofs of his ability is his large and increasing clientele in the Katanning and surrounding districts. Samples of work are displayed in the studio window (Richardson Street) and in a glass cabinet opposite the Federal Hotel in Clive Street. These include some excellent child studies, colour portraiture, Hollywood portraits, groups and action pictures, as well as some pleasing likenesses of men in the fighting forces.

Mr. Taylor is a member of the Katanning Band, and a keen amateur gardener who can impart valuable information on the subject of horticulture. Having been accepted as a member of the R.A.A.F., he has made arrangements to secure the services of Miss Adams to manage the studio during his absence. Miss Adams has had extensive experience in the profession as a studio owner both in London and Perth, and clients may rest assured she will carry on the traditions so ably established by Mr. Taylor.


Mr. A. S. Tree.

No review of the town would be complete without some reference to the thriving mixed business conducted by Mr. A. S. Tree at the lower end of Clive Street. It is not just a stroke of fortune that has made this shop popular, but a definite trading policy followed by the proprietor ever since he launched out on his own some 13 years ago.

The foundations of his business were built on honest trading, keeping abreast of the times, a big variety of first-class stocks, and selling only best quality fruit and vegetables; and right to the present day these principles have never been departed from. The smoker can purchase just the brand of tobacco or cigarette he fancies, children and adults have a wide range of confectionery to choose from, first quality fruit and vegetables in season are always on hand, while items often forgotten in the day’s shopping are ever available.

Mr. Tree is modern in his methods and caters for the summer trade with a large Kelvinator and milk bar. He stocks the famous Peter’s ice-cream and iced novelties and sells bottled drinks and aerated waters from his own soda fountain. He is one of those traders who seldom has to confess that he is out of stock, but at the same time his rapid turnover ensures that his wares are always fresh.

Mr. Tree’s father started this successful business before him, and 23 years ago it was taken over by the present owner, who soon found it necessary to move into his present more commodious premises. A keen golfer and musician, he is a foundation member of the Katanning Silver Band and leader of the Bon Ton Orchestra, the town’s premier dance band.


Thomson Bros. Ltd.

The profession of building, apart from being a life-time job and one that requires specialised training, is an occupation that insists on its practitioners being up-to-date with all the latest developments and schemes, and able to put into execution without any blunders a job that will give pride to the owners. People building nowadays have such a wide scope that they are content to accept nothing but the best of materials and workmanship.

They are justified in making this stipulation, as the day of inefficiency is past, and fortunately the people of Katanning and the surrounding districts have first class builders and contractors in the firm of Thomson Brothers Ltd.

Dating back to 1913, when it was established as Thomson & Meharry, the firm has progressed with the years, and can guarantee the satisfaction of serving its clients so as to retain their valued custom. It can also claim the distinction of establishing the first machine joinery shop on the Great Southern, which, with the hardware portion of the business, is managed by M. K. Thomson.

His brother, J. M. Thomson, carries on the building business established by his father In 1905, and recent contracts completed by him include the Commonwealth Bank, new premises  for Elder Smith & Co., Ltd., the C.O.R. Depot, Nurses’ Quarters at the Katanning Hospital, in Katanning, and a £14,000 contract for a block of officers’ flats at the Pearce Aerodrome, the Mt. Barker Hospital and other works of importance to the progress of the country.

Thomson Brothers are also District Agents for Wigmores Ltd., A.P.A. Union Assurance Co. Ltd., and the Adelaide Timber Company.


MR. J. Coventry, Manager.

Rudyard Kipling was greatly impressed with Australia, and although in the “Road to Mandalay” he spoke of the East as the place where a man could raise a thirst, a person of well trained and disciplined observation could hardly have failed to notice the same characteristic strongly ingrained in the Australian wherever he might be, and particularly here in the West.

In Katanning is one of the leading cordial and aerated water factories on the Great Southern, the G.S.R. Mineral Water Coy. Ltd., which caters for the requirements of a thirsty people with all the latest effervescent drinks and cordials. Time was when the full range of drinks offering to soothe our palates was extremely meagre, but the old order has perforce given way to the new in an age of progress, and now we can obtain all manner of soft drinks made locally from the purest of materials.

The G.S.R. Mineral Water Company was originally established in 1898 by F. & C. Piesse since when it has been under different ownership for varying periods and has steadily improved in quality and quantity of its output. Today the business would seem to have reached the pinnacle of success in these matters under the capable management of Mr. John Coventry. Dry Ginger Ale in the time of F. & C. Piesse was considered the best in the State, and today enjoys an even wider popularity.

Out from Scotland at a very early age with his parents, Mr. Coventry spent his school days here, and, entering the Company, at length rose from the ranks to his present status. That he is the man for the position he now holds is to be seen from the fact that the products of this factory have the permanent approval of a large proportion of residents.

The very latest in fruit drinks are obtainable. They are real fruit drinks: Grapefruit, Orange, Lemon fruit and Claret drinks; and the latest special, Barl-e-lem, has proved a sensation In any gathering. Order palatable and thirst-quenching products from the G.S.R. Mineral Water Company, with its reputation for always using the best ingredients, no matter the expense entailed.


MR. A. J. Withers.

The home of the wayfarer is indeed an apt description for the Royal Exchange Hotel, conveniently situated immediately opposite the railway station. No need is there for the tired and dusty traveller to search farther afield for better accommodation, for that offered by the Royal Exchange is not to be surpassed elsewhere in Katanning. With the installation of a hot water service, and cuisine par excellence, the guest at this favoured hotel finds every comfort at his disposal and, once having experienced the advantages it has to offer, will continue his patronage.

Especially outstanding, even in these days of modern appurtenances, is the newly-enlarged and renovated bar, with Quirk’s latest refrigerating system installed, and the large and comfortable lounges. You will find it a delight to relax in the comfort able surroundings of the Royal Exchange, and to converse with Mine Host in an atmosphere that is friendly and bright. It is possible to order any of your favourite drinks, and to rest secure in the knowledge that it is in the comprehensive stock of the well-filled cellar.

A. J. Withers, the proprietor, with his wife, is a newcomer to the district. Already Mr. and Mrs. Withers have proved their worth in their ability to cater for the needs of both the people of Katanning and those of travellers passing through the town. Their happy knack of meeting the individual requirements of all their clients has earned for them a well-deserved reputation and has ensured a permanent and increasing number of patrons.

Mr. Withers is a keen golf player and is a member of the Royal Fremantle Golf Club; and was, until recently, on the club committee. Previously to their residence in Fremantle, Mr. Withers was representative of Goldsbrough Mort & Co., at Bruce Rock. He can at all times be relied upon to give of his very best, and that is why the Royal Exchange Hotel is recommended as “your” hotel.


Mr. Norman Ricket.

jubilee business review

In these modern times the butcher plays an important part in the life of the community. He must he a highly-skilled and fully-qualified tradesman and possess a sound judgement in all things relating to his calling, in order to give thorough satisfaction to his customers. Mr. Norman Ricket is a man with all these desirable qualities, which fit him for the position he claims to hold – that of premier butcher to the district. It is of interest to note that Mr. Ricket’s establishment is the oldest butchery in town, having been established well over 30 years ago by Mr. C. J. Gunter, his father-in-law, he himself having been in the business for the past I8 years.

It is conducted on modern, hygienic lines, and the greatest care is taken of all meat from the time it leaves the abattoirs to the time it is delivered at the home of the customer. All meat supplies are kept in modern and up-to-date meat chambers, cool and germ-proof. A prompt and efficient delivery service Is maintained for the benefit of more distant customers. For the best of service and quality, one can do no better than to patronise this long and favourably known business.

As a smallgoods man, Mr. Ricket claims to have no equal in the district; his slogan “Our sausages sell and excel” referring equally to all manner of smallgoods and his prime cuts and joints. When ordering the day’s meat phone Katanning 42 and you can be assured of the very best. Prompt delivery guaranteed, and special attention given to country orders.


Williams & Stonestreet.

jubilee business review

Naturally, with the progress of any country town comes the erection of new and modern buildings, improved residences and shops. For this work the services of experienced men are

required. Gone are the days when country homes were made of makeshift material and were poorly lit and sadly lacking in convenience. For now-a-days timbering is largely used in place of bricks for country residences, but is well seasoned and, combined with asbestos and various other modern outdoor boardings, to make charming homes. Interiors are no longer unsightly and lacking in design. Modern homes are lined with attractive boardings and ceilings, and attention is given to detail, providing, of course, the builder and contractor is possessed of advanced ideas, plus experience and skill. All these qualifications will be found in the building and contracting firm of Williams and Stonestreet, of Albion Street, Katanning.

This capable firm has been responsible for quite a number of the better types of residences in Katanning and possesses a keen insight in all modern improvements that are designed to lessen the labour of the busy housewife. Experienced builders and reliable contractors, this firm gives estimates for all classes of work and, in addition, does all classes of joinery work, as well as sharpening and setting saws.

Mr. E. Stonestreet and Mr. W. Williams have been in partnership for seven years, both having been builders all their lives. They have built numerous homes in Katanning, and were contractors for the new Nyabing Town Hall. These inseparable partners are both ex-members of the First A.I.F. and are now staunch supporters of the R.S.L. Mr. Williams is captain of the local Rifle Club. Consult Williams and Stonestreet for all your building problems. They are the right firm with the right idea.


Mr. Norman Wells.

jubilee business review

A business is established, primarily to meet the needs of the district in which it is centred, and a live business man is one who is prepared to meet all changing requirements of the moving times. In this, Mr. Norman Wells, carrier and wood and charcoal merchant, has kept himself well abreast of events. With the expansion of the fat lamb industry he met the demand for safe and speedy transport by providing a special double decker stock truck, capable of carrying from 100 to 120 lamb; or up to 90 grown sheep, for convey lambs to the freezers or sheep to local stock markets.

This transport service has become deservedly popular through (unreadable) wood business, in both long and sawn lengths, Mr. Wells saw a chance of expansion when producer gas units came into use through high prices and restrictions in connection with the use of petrol. He now specialises in charcoal for all types of charcoal burners and has won a name for a product of excellent quality extending as far afield as Bunbury.

Persons requiring transport of live-stock, farm produce and household furniture, or supplies of firewood and mallee roots are advised to get in touch with Mr. Wells, ‘phone 149, Katanning, or at his yards, Piesse Street, Katanning. A resident of the district for many years, Mr. Wells has an unblemished reputation in business dealings, and is highly esteemed by his many friends. His father was a builder and contractor of note in the district and Mr. Wells carries on the same tradition of service.


Barkley and Gilbert.

It is un undisputed fact that, as people, Australians are among the widest readers of the world. As interests vary, so does one’s taste in literature, and it is a very great tribute to the selection of books stocked by Messrs. Barkley and Gilbert, Austral Terrace, Katanning, that it caters satisfactorily for all requirements.

Established more than thirty years ago, when Katanning was entering its first phase of development, this enterprising firm, by keeping step with the district, has steadily enlarged its scope until, today, it ranks as the best bookshop outside the metropolitan area. Holding the agencies for the “West Australian,” “Western Mail,” “Daily News” and other papers, it provides the best in current reading, and with its wide stock of magazines and periodicals, enables its customers to keep in touch with all phases of current events.

The firm is a direct importer of books, and stocks all the latest in modern literature while making a speciality of all school books and requirements for school children. You will find also at Barkley and Gilbert’s all your stationery needs and lines of better-class fancy goods, china and crystal, together with everything the smoker needs. It also embraces individual hairdressing saloons for men and women.

Mr. Barkley has been associated for many years with the business life of the town, in which he takes a great interest. He is a Justice of the Peace of many years standing and has the distinction of being a foundation member and Treasurer of the Katanning Presbyterian Church. Arthur Gilbert, the younger member of the firm, has lived nearly all his life in Katanning and is equally respected by the community.


Messrs. C. E. Courtis & Co.

jubilee business review

Death is no respecter of persons, but when the Grim Reaper comes it is only tight and proper that the bereaved family should be spared as much as possible of the sad details inevitable at a time of such loss. With reverent and faithful care, the firm of C. E. Courtis & Co. spares no pains to relieve the bereaved ones; of arranging and carrying out the last rites which are so indispensable. Tact and understanding, and, above all, efficiency, marks any funeral under taken by this firm, and the bereaved family can rest assured that everything, to the smallest detail, will be attended to with the minimum of trouble and worry.

The establishment in Richardson Street includes a private mortuary parlour and embalming room, while the very latest type of motor hearse is maintained in readiness for calls to any part of the district. Mr. C. E. Courtis, who is sole proprietor, strives to do all those little appreciative acts which mean so much for the comfort and convenience of those who seek his aid and help, to lessen the pain of loss.

From the time his services are called upon, Mr. Courtis reverently and carefully will attend to every detail necessary. Flowers play a great part in the expression of grief and sympathy, and Mrs. Courtis has made a specialty of providing suitable wreaths and floral emblems. Monumental work also is undertaken by the firm, and clients may choose from a wide range of suitable designs.

Messrs. C. E. Courtis & Co. under take all classes of work in connection with building and contracting and the firm will gladly submit plans and estimates of all types of buildings. Although young in years, Mr. Courtis can claim wide experience in building, and is competent to give entire satisfaction to any client.

He is an ardent horticulturalist and, with Mrs. Courtis, spends much of his leisure in his garden; his work in this direction having won him a deserved position on the committee of the Katanning Agricultural and Pastoral Society. He is the local secretary to the Australian Natives’ Association.


Mr. Demenoff

The psychological effect of seeing an attractively decorated and well stocked business such as Mr. Demenoff’s modern shop is undoubtedly a beneficial one. Situated on the corner of Austral Terrace and Broome Street, this establishment is convenient in both situation and the type of wares it stocks, and, during its short time of existence, It has come to be indispensable to a large number of clients.

The proprietor is anxious to give satisfaction to all who enter his tearooms, no matter what they may request, or what may be the hour. He is certain of being able to meet your slightest need, as, in his small, but compact and modern shop, which is the epitome of sparkling cleanliness, he provides the most luscious of fruit, and, in addition, confectionery and smoking requirements and meals “fit for a king.”

You cannot but be pleased with your first instinct, which was to enter Mr. Demenoff’s shop and to experience for yourself the good things within, as promised by the distinctive appearance of the exterior. Not the slightest disappointment could accrue, with such a willing and able personality as Mr. Demenoff to attend you. His efficiency speaks of extensive experience in his profession, and we believe this is the case, as he conducted a cafe in America and now, newly arrived from Perth, he is setting up business on the same lines.

Of Greek nationality, this man is becoming, through industry and initiative, firmly established in high regard among the residents of Katanning and the surrounding districts.


New York Dry Cleaners.

It is a duty owed to oneself, and particularly so with the ladies, to present to the world as fresh and neat an appearance as possible. At one time this may have meant large tailor’s and dressmaker’s bills, but now, thanks to services rendered by New York Dry Cleaners, no one need wear a travel-stained suit, or dresses that have lost their bloom of newness, for their freshness can be renewed at small cost at the New York Dry Cleaners by means of the most modern and efficient dry-cleaning methods. Always appear spic and span by taking your clothes to the dry-cleaner man. Ladies’ apparel a speciality. The address of this indispensable and modern business is Herald Chambers. Austral Terrace, Katanning.


Mr. Lewis Hambly.

The hotel of today is equivalent to the coffee house of yesteryear, where the news of the district was made known and matters of great import, as well as trivial affairs, were discussed. In Katanning you will find the coolness of the lounge and the bar of the Federal Hotel ever conductive to conversation on any matter. This hotel has much to offer those search of pleasant relaxation, and you will find the excellence of its drinks further enhanced by its convivial atmosphere.

Offering in addition to a vast range of all the most popular kinds of drinks, comfort that is unexcelled elsewhere, the Federal is the attraction of a large clientele from all over the Great Southern and the South West. Recently it has been renovated and remodelled throughout, and provides for the use of its guests, hot and cold-water service, excellent accommodation, and the best in service and cuisine. A large refrigerator further ensures that patrons may enjoy the coolest of drinks in the summer weather.

A veritable landmark, the Federal Hotel is the only three-storeyed building in the town. It possesses an independent water supply, modern and airy bedrooms, lock-up garages and large sample rooms. Under Mr. Lewis Hambly’s efficient management, this hotel has reached its peak in catering for both the travelling public and townspeople.

Very popular in the community since, his arrival here three years ago, Mr. Hambly is treasurer of the Trotting Club and President of the Football Association. On all subjects he has a wealth of information to impart, and his hospitality is a continual incentive for the people of the district to visit his hotel in search of relaxation.


Mr James Causer

The dairying industry perhaps more than any other, requires scrupulous cleanliness in its operation, and before taking charge of a business such as this, it is essential that the person concerned be thoroughly acquainted with the modern hygienic methods used in order to prevent microbes from entering the milk, and for the destruction of the bacteria. It is easily understood that this business calls for the services of a conscientious individual. Mr. James Causer, who conducts the Federal Dairy, situated not far north of the town, is suited in all respects for the management of a high-class dairy, and is maintaining a splendid reputation in all he undertakes.

Since its establishment over 20 years ago, this dairy has proved its efficiency in all ways. If not already a customer, ring Katanning ‘phone 50 and ask that the Federal Dairy delivery is extended to your home.

Producing all milk supplies from its own herd, composed of high-class Jerseys, the Federal Dairy has installed all the modern appliances which fight and expel bacteria, and delivers the milk to the consumer free from germs, and in a pure, rich, appetising condition. Science has come to the assistance of the dairying industry in many ways, and these have been incorporated in the Federal Dairy.

A well-known and highly-respected member of the locality, Mr. Causer came originally from England, and during the many years he has lived in the Katanning district, he has been a supporter of local progress movements. A prominent business man, Mr. Causer derives immense satisfaction from running his business on thoroughly good lines, a fact that has brought him a large and contented clientele.

If you want luscious, creamy milk, there can only be one answer – get in touch with the Federal Dairy and have Mr. Causer supply you.


Official R.A.C. and C.T.A. Service Station.
Messrs. F. L. Gare and H J. Mouritz Jnr..

Just as in the days of yore when the driver of the highway coach felt a sense of security as his team jangled nearer the wayside inn, so the motorist today has growing confidence as his car speeds nearer the Garage and Service Station which has proved such a boon to the motoring industry all over Australia. For he knows that should any slight mishap have occurred in his car, or should his fuel supplies have run low, expert help is close at hand.

The Garage and Service Station of Gare and Mouritz has proved no exception in the manner in which it has carried out all the motorists’ requirements in this direction. Situated in Albion Street, it was established in 1931, foundation partners being H. C. Mouritz. F. L. Gare and H. J. Mouritz. When Mr. H. C. Mouritz retired. Mr. V. T. Cook, now on active service with the R.A.A.F., was taken into partnership. Commencing with a staff of three, the business now has eleven employees indicating the progress this firm has made. Recently a second member of the staff, C. H. Kessell, enlisted in the R.A.A.F.

Widely reputed for its good services, it is at this station that the motorist breaks his long journey, fully satisfied that his car will be checked, that it may receive whatever servicing or attention is necessary for its safety and well-being. An R.A.C. and C.T.A. Service Station, it is also a Ford Station, and undertakes overhauls and repairs to all makes of motors, as well as gas producers, and carries out ducoing. oxy-welding. and panel-work. One of the most efficient and popular garages in town, its proprietors, previously of the Katanning Stock and Trading Company, are popular both in business and socially.

Hugh Mouritz has made his presence well known throughout the town, as he is bandmaster for the Katanning Band. Mr. Gare comes from a well-known family and is himself an identity due to the fact that he is a crack rifle shot and has won numerous trophies and has represented Katanning in the State rifle team. With its Hydraulic Hoist and its Marfak Lubritorium, the Gare and Mouritz Garage is the one for the latest treatment of your motor.


Mr. James Cassady.

The Katanning Hotel holds the honourable record of being the first licensed premises on the lower Great Southern Railway, the original license having been granted in1889, the year that saw the completion of the railway between Beverley and Albany.

Since then, the hotel has undergone many changes and has progressed from an iron-roofed canvas structure to the present modern brick building, with more than 40 bedrooms, sitting-rooms and lounges on the upper storey, in addition to beautifully designed and well-furnished dining room, lounge, commercial travellers’ rooms, offices and large, up-to-date island bar on the ground floor.

All these changes have progressively improved the premises to keep them abreast of the development of the town and district and of the demand on the part of the public for modern, comfortable surroundings at the hotel of their choice. In one thing only has the Katanning Hotel remained constant, and that is in retaining its reputation as being one of the best country hotels in the State.

The present high favour in which the Katanning Hotel is held by both residents of the district and visitors is due very greatly to the cheerful personality of Mr. James Cassady, the licensee, and his popular wife and daughter, Jean, who, as a team, constitute an ideal host and hostess and charming chatelaine.

The hotel has been entirely modernised and the visitor, on entering the artistic foyer of the residential portion of the premises, can only be impressed by the spacious surroundings and beautiful furnishings, while ferns, pot plants and flowers, the special responsibility of Mrs. Cassady, add greatly to the sense of comfort and well-being. The visitor, too, can only be impressed by the comfort and ease provided by the airy, well-furnished bedrooms, while the large individual lavatory blocks, with tiled bathrooms and a plentiful supply of hot and cold water, are a fitting complement to the building as a whole.


Great Southern Herald
6 August 1913


HAVING purchased the Federal Dairy from Mr. Forbes, the new management is prepared to deliver PURE FRESH MILK in large or small quantities. Farm Produce also supplied on the shortest notice, including eggs and poultry (dressed if required). For special orders call ‘Phone 52.

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