

This Business Comes and Goes PQRSTU page lists the various businesses that have operated in Katanning since the first settlement of the region. Many enterprising people set up business in a vast array of businesses, starting with the Piesse Brothers, Frederick, and Charles. That enterprising spirit continues today as Katanning continues to thrive.

The arrival of the Great Southern Railway enabled local businesses to provide a greater range of goods and services faster than they had been able to before its arrival. This allowed the Katanning business sector to grow in leaps and bounds, particularly in the early 1900’s.

Sadly though something that didn’t exist back in those early days, the internet, is starting to have a negative effect on our business community.

Page, J.T.
Katanning Brick Yards (Formerly Old’s Brickworks)

Pamment, Alf
Greengrocer & Fruiterer
Clive St, Katanning

Philpott & Baldwin
Builders and Contractors
9 Daping Street
Read more

Piesse, Arnold & Co
(Later Katanning Stock & Trading Co)
Austral Terrace
Farming & Building Supplies (4/07/1906)

Piesse, F. & C.
Katanning Flour Mill
Merchants, General Storekeepers and Importers
GSR Cordial Manufacturers – Great Southern Wines
Katanning Brickworks – Farm Machinery Dealers

Piesse, F. & C.
Koraminup Stud Piggery
Argent Street, Katanning

Piesse, Harold V.
Austral Terrace
Overland Cars, Willy’s Trucks, Sunbeam Cars & Motor Cycles
Agent for Winterbottom Motors Co., Perth

Dodge cars – Standard: £385 – Roadster £380 (GSH 1/07/1925)

Pitchers, Allan
Katanning Wood Yard
Tel 357 – 40 Carlisle Street
Light Carting and Firewood Supply
Stove Wood 7/- load, Long Wood 5/- load, Gravel 3/6 load, Manure 3/6 load, Blackboy 1/- bag
Orders may be left J.F. Wanke (GSH 3/07/1920)

Potter, A. S.
Tel 28 – 43 Daping Street
Licensed Land Agent

Proffitt, S.F.
Agent for various farm implements

Quartermaine, L.F.W.
98 Clive Street
Watchmaker and Jeweller

Railway Coffee Palace
Brunton’s – Ph: 4
Opp Railway Station
First class meals and beds.

Read, A.
Ph: 43 – Carew Street
Builder and Undertaker

Repatriation Pictures
Katanning Town Hall
Saturday, July 3 – Mary Pickford in “Heart of the Hills”
Wednesday, July 7 – Mary Pickford in “Captain Kidd Junr” and William S. Hart as “Square Deal Sanderson”
Free Matinee for children at 3.00pm
Prices – 1/- and 1/6 (plus tax); Children under 14. 6d (plus ½ penny tax) (GSH 3/07/1920)

Repatriation Pictures
Katanning Town Hall
Wednesday, July 1 – Douglas McLean’s side-splitting laugh burst – “The Fighting Consul” With Patsy Ruth Miller in support.
Saturday, July 4 – Universal Pictures presents “The Family Secret” Featuring Baby Peggy with an exceptional supporting cast. (GSH 1/07/1925)

Rhodes and Wilmot
One door from Kleemann’s Carpentry Shop in Clive Street
Photographers and Picture Framers
Mr Wilmot has gained his experience in some of the best studios in England, and we can now supply Photos equal to the best Perth work. (4/07/1906)

Rhodes Bros.
Established 1897
Katanning, Broomehill, and Gnowangerup.
Tailors, Hatters, and Outfitters
Give the best value in hats and mercery, Turn out the best suits on the GSR (GSH 31/08/1912)

Richardson & Co
Austral Terrace
General Storekeepers and Importers

Roberts Grain Containers Limited
Austral Terrace
AH Parkes – Secretary

Rogers W.J. & Son
Rogers Central Store
(PO Box 135) Tel 5 – Central Clive Street
Merchants and Importers

Rowe, John E.
Auctioneer (GSH 3/07/1920)

Royal Exchange Hotel
Opposite Railway Station
W.T. Brunt (proprietor) – Under New Management
Cleanliness, Civility, Large Balcony, Airy Bedrooms, Music and Sitting Rooms
Only the best of liquors stocked – Hot and Cold water baths, First class cuisine under the personal supervision of Mrs. W.T. Brunt. (GSH 3/07/1915)

Taylor, C
Royal Exchange Hotel
Car for Hire
Agent for Mercantile Mutual Insurance (GSH 12/01/1924)

Royal Exchange Hotel
Right opposite Katanning Railway Station
Is now conducted by Fred Selby (late of Leederville Hotel)
Residential section of the house specially catered for. All liquors true to label – Swan beer on draught (GSH 1/07/1925)

Royal Pictures
Mechanic’s Institute Hall
Austral Terrace, Katanning

Saggers, E
Clive Street, Katanning
Has just opened a large and varied stock of boots and shoes.
Boots made to order. Boots repaired while you wait. (GSH 31/08/1912)

Saunders, George & Co
Tel 68 – 25 Albion Street
Plumbers, LP Gas, Hot and Cold Water, Septic Installations at the shortest notice.
Tanks – all sizes, immediate delivery.

Carew Street (GSH 12/01/1924)

Scott and Scott
Showrooms – Taylor Street, Katanning
Harvesters, Farm Machinery, equipment and supplies, Insurance, Farm sales

Sewell, Mr. C.E.
Address: Federal Hotel, Katanning
Barrister at Law
Is on constant circuit throughout the Great Southern Districts (GSH 1/07/1925)

Sharrin, T.N.
Tel 479 – 76 Clive Street
Men’s fashions, Katanning’s leading continental tailor.
Drapery, sports coats and blazers

Shoobert, Bert Investment
Tel 178

Slater K.B.
Tel 12 – Bokarup Street
Carrier and Wood Merchant. Agent for Vacuum Oil Co

Smith, A.D.
(GSH 3/07/1915)

Smith & Meldrum
General Store
Austral Tce (opp Railway Station) (GSH 12/01/1924)

Smith & Meldrum
The Mart
Austral Terrace, Katanning
Are the people for furniture
Furniture, produce, machinery, general merchants. Agents for Harris Scarfe and Sandover gramophones and records. House, Land and Farm sales – Motor vehicle sales (GSH 1/07/1925)

Smith, F.E.
Buildings of all kinds in stone, brick or bats.
Tanks and sheep dips (GSH 31/12/1912)

Smith, Harry
Clive Street, Katanning
Wholesale and Retail Fruit & Vegetable Merchant
The Little Shop opposite the Post Office
Deliveries to any part of town – Fresh Fish every Wednesday and Friday
Potatoes, Onions, Chaff and Oats for sale – Licensed Marine Store dealer
(Bags and bottles bought and sold)
Buyer of every description of fats (GSH 3/07/1920)

Smith, R.D.

Southern Finance and Investments Limited
1A Taylor Street
Directors: Eric George Hams (Chairman of Directors), Frank Wallis Gill (Managing Director), Arthur Steve Adams (Secretary), Percy Leonard Ross Bolto, Thomas Vincent Cook, William Edward Nott, Brien Elliot Taylor.

Spartalis, H. Dining Room
Clive Street
Begs to announce that he has taken over Mrs. Bain’s Dining Rooms in Clive Street, which will in future be carried on by him.
Fish a specialty – Fish all day and every day – Prices same as ever (GSH 31/08/1912)

Spencer, E.H.
Watchmaker and Jeweller
Austral Terrace, Katanning
Repairs of all descriptions neatly executed
Engagement and Wedding Rings and Keepers now in stock (4/07/1906)

Spot Service Station
Tel 201 – 155 Clive Street
Repairs, Specialised Lubricants, Retreading, Battery Charging, Accessories,
Cars washed and polished. GMH Dealers for Holden, Chevrolet and Pontiac Cars and Bedford Trucks.

Squires, J.
Clive Street
Blacksmith, Wheelwright, Coach Builder, Funeral Director
Agent for Alliance Insurance, OGH Monumental Works (GSH 12/01/1924)

Stanford, Lawrie
Tel 164 – 55 Carew Street
District agent for COR, General Carrier, and Contractor. Stock and farm transport.

Strand Cafe
Clive Street

Stronach, C.B.
General Carrier
Albion Street (GSH 12/01/1924)

Sutherland Transport
General and bulk cartage contractors


William Sutherland started the first of the Sutherland trucking businesses in Manchester, England in 1923.
In 1952, his son William (Bill) Sutherland continued the family Continue reading

Tassell, R.H.
Clive Street, Katanning
Painter, Decorator, and Signwriter
Estimates given (GSH 4/07/1906)

Tassiker’s Pharmacy
(PO Box 92) Tel 211268 – 71 Clive Street
All medicinal requirements, Gifts for all occasions.

The Farmers’ Mercantile Union & Chaff Mills Ltd
Held its First Annual Stud Stock Sale Friday, 2 November, 1917 At Katanning Show Grounds

The Lounge Tearooms
Shannon, Proprietress
Herald Chambers, Katanning
Comfortable balcony tearooms
Morning and afternoon tea – light luncheon and suppers (GSH 1/07/1925)

The Primary Producers Bank of Australia Ltd
Katanning Branch
Owned and controlled by the men on the land. (GSH 1/07/1925)

The Southern Districts Advocate
Albion Street, Katanning
Newspaper publisher
First Edition: 25 October, 1913
Last Edition: 31 August, 1936

The Southern District Printing & Publishing Co. Ltd.
Albion Street, Katanning
Established 1913
Publishers of the The Southern Districts Advocate
Capital:  £5,000
Directors: Geo. McLeod Jun. (Chairman), G.L. Underwood, J.G. Mouritz, P.P. Clune, E.R. Bell, W.T. Jones (Editor), Geo. Doak (Secretary), W.W. Brunton.

The Westralian Farmers
Katanning Branch
(GSH 1/07/1925)

Thomson & Meharry
Daping Street
Timber and Hardware Merchants
Timber Establishment, Motor Windscreens, Good Rich Tyres & Tubes, Pedley Motor Cycle Tyres, Tubes and belts, Jarrah Fruit Cases, Taylorite Roofing Paint.
International Harvester Machinery – Agent – W.A. Insurance Company (GSH 3/07/1915)

Thomson, A.
(Formerly Thomson & Meharry)
Timber and Hardware Merchant – Farm Supplies
Phone 73   PO Box 62
Agents for Wilson, Gray, & Co – Monumental Masons
D.L. Seed coverers – Western Australian Insurance Co. – Dodge Cars
Michelin and Dunlops Tyres and Tubes (GSH 3/07/1920) (GSH 12/01/1924)

Thomson Bros Ltd
(PO Box 104) Tel 73 – Clive & Daping Streets
Timber and Hardware Merchants, Machinery, Insurance and Commission Agents,
Radio Sales & Service

Thorp & Wright
Building Contractors
Broomehill Road (GSH 12/01/1924)

Townsend & Flugge
Agents for Dalgety & Company Ltd
Agents for Buick motor cars – “When better cars are built Buick will build them” (GSH 1/07/1925)

Tree, A.S.
Fruiterer, confectioner, and greengrocer
Clive Street, Katanning
Fruit direct from the orchard
Country orders promptly attended to
Cart delivery daily (GSH 3/07/1920)
Town Hall Shop (GSH 12/01/1924)

Underwood, Geo.
Taylor St, Katanning
Painter & Decorator etc.

Uniroyal Tyre Service
Great Southern Tyre Service
Tel 711 – 21 Daping Street
The first Australian Made Tyre with a written two-way lifetime guarantee.

Other Sections

Business Comes and Goes – ABCDE
Business Comes and Goes – FGHIJ
Business Comes and Goes – K-Katanning
Business Comes and Goes – KLMNO
Business Comes and Goes – PQRSTU
Business Comes and Goes – VWXYZ


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