Katanning car club

A club was set up by Mr Herbert Brice Venning, the District Youth Organiser and Katanning Junior High School teacher (later Deputy Principal at North Scarborough Primary School in Perth), to provide an association for young and old male motoring enthusiasts. First mooted in October of 1954, the club held it’s first event on Sunday, November 21, when members proceeded in convoy to Mr C. R. Kowald’s property at Cherry Tree Pool.


Great Southern Herald
29 October, 1954

The District Youth Organiser, Mr H. B. Venning, advises preliminary arrangements having been completed, it is intended to establish a Motor Car Club in Katanning. The aim of the Club will be to provide an association for motoring enthusiasts whereby they can enjoy the benefits of safe, wholesome entertainment and at the same time perhaps improve their driving ability and help to raise the standard of road courtesy in the district.

Whilst it is planned to conduct organised tours and competitions in driving skill, no racing, or high-speed driving will be included in the Club’s activities. Membership is open to both junior and senior motorists and all are welcomed. A preliminary canvass of a number of junior and adult motoring enthusiasts has shown the prospects of establishing such a club appears to be good.

A great deal of detail yet remains to be considered and, with this in view, it is proposed to hold an inaugural meeting at the Katanning Junior High School, on Monday evening next, November 1, at 8 p.m. Matters to be discussed will be the formation of an executive committee and the drawing up of a constitution and set of rules for the operation of the club. All men who are interested, are cordially invited to attend.

It is also hoped to establish a Katanning Girls’ Choir. Mr Venning will act as conductor and Mr Ken Rundle, L.Mus.A., has agreed to give his services as accompanist. All young ladies who are interested, are cordially invited to attend a “get-together” at the Junior High School next Tuesday evening, November 2, at 8 p.m. If you are interested in good music, please come and bring a friend so as a start can be made.

Katanning Car Club

Great Southern Herald
26 November, 1954

The recently formed Car Club held its first official function on Sunday, November 21, when members proceeded in convoy to Mr C. R. Kowald’s property at Cherry Tree Pool. Unfortunately, ten members were unable to attend, but this did not detract from the successful outing.

Katanning Car Club

1954 Holden FJ Sedan typical of the period.

Following a barbecue lunch on the banks of “Crystal Brook’s” splendid pool, drivers proceeded to a lightly grassed paddock which had been marked out previously by the duty officials for the day. Four events were contested with twelve drivers participating in each event, all members showing keen interest and sportsmanship.

Details of events and place-getters were as follows.
Guessing 1 mile: G. Golding 1st (correct to within 10 yards), R. Slater 2nd, R. Norrish 3rd.
Timed mile at nominated speed: R. McLean (with an error of less than 1%) 1st, K. Abbot 2nd, H. B. Venning 3rd.
Reversing competition: R. Collins 1st, P. Courtis 2nd, R. Slater 3rd.
Blindfold Event: L. Kanzler 1st, P. Courtis 2nd, E. Crouch 3rd.

The next Club function will be a miniature reliability trial of approximately 95 miles scheduled to commence at 1 p.m. on Sunday, December 12. The event is restricted to club members as drivers, but non-members may participate as navigators or crew, with a limit of three persons per vehicle, including the driver. Any driver wishing to take part, but who has not yet joined the Club, is urged to do so without delay. Annual subscriptions of one guinea may be paid to Eddie Crouch or Bert Venning.

The trial course, although short, is an interesting one. The event is in the nature of a try-out to gain planning experience for the future. Because of this the nominating fee is 5/- with a modest trophy for the winner. Full details of equipment required will be published in this paper on December 3, to allow intending competitors ample time to prepare.

To date the Club has twenty-three members and it is hoped with the approach of the miniature trial, followers of this new sport will be encouraged to become members.

The course has no “horror” stretches but sections will require close adherence to scheduled speeds and navigational instructions. Secret controls will make disqualification certain for anyone who resorts to reckless or high-speed driving to make up for time lost due to poor navigating. Maps will not be required but may be carried in case anyone becomes lost.

The January meeting of the Club will take the form of another competition day with a different series of events. For February, the Club has decided to hold a picnic tour when members may bring family and friends and visit a seaside resort for an enjoyable days outing in cool surroundings.


From the Speedway and Road Race History website

Members of the Katanning Car Club put a considerable amount of work into establishing a dirt speedway track in Katanning, The first race meeting was held on the 10th of January 1960, Hot Rods raced on the track for the first time when seven competitors came from Perth to race in May of 1964. Marshall Motors donated a 1940 Chevrolet car to the club which was rebuilt by Derry Bairstow and Jimmy Heard of Dumbleyung to make the car safe. The drivers were then given a chance to drive and see if they could roll the car.

Speedway was first held next to the Galloping track at O”Callagan Park, The speedway was built and run by the Katanning Car Club and operated separate to the horse racing club, The speedway club ran its own gate and canteens up until the new Katanning Speedway was built at Pinwernying Park on the Dumbleyung road over looking the town.   In March of 1965 the decision was made to change the clubs name to the Katanning Speedway Club, The club was incorporated and a constitution was then drawn up.

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