Katanning Town Hall
Like all country towns in the early days of European settlement, the Katanning community needed a common place to meet for social events. People started to discuss the need for a hall from the early 1890’s and thanks to the generosity of F & C Piesse & Co, the foundation stone for the Katanning Agricultural Hall was laid on 22nd August 1896.
Agricultural Hall/ Mechanic’s Institute Hall
![Katanning Town Hall](https://i0.wp.com/lostkatanning.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/Mechanics-Institute-min.jpg?resize=650%2C325&ssl=1)
The original Agricultural Hall still exists today but is incorporated into the town end of the Katanning Town Hall. The front section was added in 1899 when it became the Mechanic’s Institute Hall.
The foundation stone for the Katanning Agricultural Hall was laid on 22nd August 1896 by the Hon F H Piesse, MLA. The building was made possible through the donation of 10,000 bricks by F & C Piesse, government subsidy and voluntary labour to cart the bricks, sand and lime.
A photograph of the tout ensemble was then taken by the representatives of Messrs Nixon and Mirrilees, Fremantle, and then the casket containing town records a copy of the West Australian of August 21st, and of the Australian Advertiser of August 22nd, together with all the silver coins of the realm, was sealed and securely cemented at the back of the foundation stone, which was a block of granite suitably inscribed, [AA, 27/8/1896] The agricultural hall cost £3000 to build, the contractor being Mr George Thomas, and the contractor for the woodwork was Mr Andrew Stewart. It was officially opened in 1897.
![mechanics institute](https://i2.wp.com/lostkatanning.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/mechanics-institute-2-min.jpg?resize=650%2C434&ssl=1)
Mechanics Institute c1905 with additions
Katanning Historical Society Photo
In 1899 it became known as the Mechanics’ Institute and Public Hall after it was decided at a public meeting to amalgamate the Mechanics’ Institute and the Agricultural Hall committee. Improvements were carried out to the hall at this time, giving the Mechanics’ Institute members permanent quarters. By 1903 some ill feeling had developed between the institute members and the agriculturalists over the suggestion to change the name to the simpler “Mechanics’ Institute (inc.)”. The Roads Board also leased a room in the hall for their office at that time.
Mechanics’ Institute to be entered on heritage register.
West Australian
Monday, 30 June 1997
The historic Katanning Mechanics’ Institute, which has played an important part in the development of the town, is to have its heritage values recognised by the State Government.
Heritage Minister Graham Kierath said the turn of the century building was one of the first to be erected in the Katanning district and had provided a range of services, making it an important landmark. The building was to be listed on the Heritage Council of Western Australia’s interim register of heritage places to recognise its aesthetic and historic values.
“The Mechanics’ Institute movement originated in England and developed as a means of providing instruction for tradesmen,” Mr. Kierath said. “The majority of these tradesmen, or ‘mechanics’, had no education. Educating them was seen as free education for their children. “In most parts of Australia, early library services were provided by churches and Sunday schools and through organisations such as mechanics’ institutes and literary organisations. “Mechanics’ Institutes developed in Western Australia in a sporadic way with the Katanning branch being established in 1894 by a pioneer of the area, Frederick Piesse.
“The institute’s aim was the ‘cultivation of literature, science, and art, the intellectual improvement and the recreation of its members’. “Mr. Piesse originally built an agricultural hall on the Austral Terrace site in 1896 for the sole use and benefit of the agricultural community.”
The single-storey brick building was a simple, rectangular hall with a pitched corrugated iron roof. In 1899 the Agricultural Hall Committee and the Mechanics’ Institute amalgamated and the institute was given a 200-pound grant to improve the hall to become known as the Mechanics’ Institute and Public Hall.
Mr. Kierath said that over the years the hall had undergone many changes and it was almost amalgamated into a complex of buildings including the adjacent town hall. “The building has provided a wide range of services over the years including a library, reading room and facilities for billiards, chess, cards and table tennis,” he said. “The billiard room still houses three tables, two of which are original.
Katanning Town Hall
In 1907 a new Mechanic’s Hall was erected next to the old one, which was by now in a state of disrepair and included “four shops, a main entrance, a spacious cloakroom, a ticket office, a large stage and dressing rooms“. [Bignell, p 238]
Elaborate wrought iron gates (made by B Makutz) were also added, “scenic stage backdrops designed by P Goatcher and a panelled ceiling, the work of a Mr Tindale – all well-known Perth contractors – while the intricate electric light system was personally supervised by F T R Piesse“. [Bignell, p.38] The architect for this work was J Herbert Eales and the contractor was Alex Thomson [ 2 ].
The existing hall was also renovated at the same time, using brick partitioning and incorporated a reading room and library as well as a billiards room and caretakers quarters. Not long after this work, the Roads Board offices were also refurbished.
Extensive additions and alterations were completed in 1928, which included the addition of the second storey. The architects were Eales & Cohen of Perth, the contractor was Alex Thomson and the contract price was £6495. With the completion of these additions and alterations, the building was now more commonly referred to as the Town Hall. Inside the hall was housed the Road Board offices and meeting room, and a large modern hall with a gallery. A library was added in 1944.
![Katanning Town Hall](https://i0.wp.com/lostkatanning.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/katg-town-hall-early-morning-01-min.jpg?resize=300%2C185)
Katanning Town Hall c 2014
The Opening Ceremony
The opening ceremony and the laying of the foundation stone occurred as part of the town’s “Empire Day” celebrations on Monday 26 May, 1907.
Great Southern Herald
29 May, 1907
The Government had an efficient spokesman in the Hon. Frank Wilson (Treasurer and Acting-Premier) whilst the Legislative Council was represented by Hon. C. A. Piesse, and the Assembly by Katanning’s own member Hon. F. H. Piesse.
Monday morning’s first engagement was the celebration of Empire Day, in which it was hoped that most of the schools of the district would be able to unite with the town school. This desirable plan was, however, partly frustrated by the weather, as only small contingents from three or four outlying schools were able to put in an appearance.
Mr. Couchman (headmaster of Katanning school) and his assistants, Miss Milton and Miss O’Connell, had everything in readiness at 11.30, the time appointed for saluting the flag. The other teachers present were Miss Darby (Cartmeticup), Miss Bell (Marracoonda), Miss Glesson (Mean Mahn), and Mr. Illman (Moojebing).
Hon. F. H. Piesse, on behalf of the district board, invited the Acting-Premier to address the children. Mr. Wilson said it was a happy idea of the Institute Committee to enlist the interest of the children in the opening function of their new hall, and to couple therewith the celebration of Empire Day.
The children then formed in procession and headed by the Katanning Brass Band, marched to the Agricultural Society’s ground. The band numbered 16 performers, including the new captain, Mr. C. Barrett, and looked exceedingly well in the new uniform. But looks are secondary matters in a band. It is much more important to be able to say that the music discourse was really excellent and would have done credit to any city function.
Arrived on the ground, the children came under the attention of a strong committee of ladies and gentlemen and were royally entertained on tea and cake, sweets and games, to their hearts content. At 3 p.m. they marched to the new hall and witnessed the ceremony of fixing the foundation stone, and after a second round of refreshments were dismissed. Mr. Scott and Mr. Ogilvy were secretary and treasurer of the gentlemen’s committee in charge of the children’s part of the day’s programme.
The still more important ladies’ section of the committee had Mrs F. H. Piesse for president, and Mrs. Ogilvy as organising secretary.
Foundation Stone.
The foundation laying ceremony was witnessed by a large assemblage. Dr. House (president of the Institute), presented the Acting-Premier with a handsome trowel and asked him to lay the foundation stone of the new hall. He said some people thought the committee’s plan had gone a long way in advance of the district’s requirements, but those who had witnessed the rapid and of substantial growth of the place were quite satisfied of the committee’s wisdom.
![Katanning Town Hall foundation stone](https://i1.wp.com/lostkatanning.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/20200615_120617_clipped_rev_1-min.png?fit=1024%2C821&ssl=1)
The marble tablet, which bore the names of the architect, Mr. J. H. Eales, F.W.A.I.A., and of the builder, Mr. A. Thomson, as well as that of Hon. Frank Wilson the Acting-Premier, was then placed in position, and after the company, or as much of it as the camera could focus, had been photographed by Mr. Rhodes, an adjournment was made to the Hall for Mr Wilson’s address.
Opening Ceremony.
Dr. House presided, and with him on the platform were Hons. Frank Wilson, F. H. Piesse and C. A. Piesse and the members of the Institute committee, the architect, and the contractor.
Mr. Wilson said desired to congratulate the Institute and the people of Katanning on the successful completion of such a splendid hall. The structure was a credit to the architect and builder, and, indeed, the whole district. (Applause.)
![katanning town hall](https://i0.wp.com/lostkatanning.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/06/town-hall-min.jpg?resize=354%2C206&ssl=1)
The “inHerit” website states “The Town Hall has high historical and social significance.
It has been the centre of many important institutions in Katanning, such as the Mechanics’ Institute, the Roads Board and the Agricultural Committee, as well as providing an important social venue for the local community.”
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