

Aboriginal and Torres Straight Islander people are advised that some of these pages may refer to deceased persons.

This Lost Katanning website has been set up by Arthur Todd to preserve the history of Katanning and surrounding districts since their inception. To give an idea of what life was like for those brave people who travelled into the middle of nowhere to set up home, raise a family, and develop Katanning into the thriving community it is today.

Today’s Katanning is vastly different from those early days when people from all over the world settled and set up home, developed farms and set the foundation for the town and region we have become today. And prior to settlement by Europeans our indigenous community lived a nomadic life travelling the land for thousands of years.


Researching our local Katanning and surrounding districts history has developed into a big task. The Central Great Southern region has such a rich history dating back to the mid 1880s. This website has been set up to preserve that history for future generations and for people to find that information and photographs in one place for their own research – particularly for genealogy family trees.
I have many research sources available to me, however that is not always enough. Often, information comes from local folk – just like you.
If you have any information, photographs or files about our history that you would be prepared to share I would love to hear from you.

My email address is: admin@lostkatanning.com
or you can complete and submit the form HERE


Please read this information before submitting photographs, files or information to Lost Katanning for publication on this website.

Lost Katanning, Lost Nyabing, Katanning Tours, Katanning Tourism & lostkatanning.com
are registered business names. ABN: 75 6933 8224 3
Website researched, designed and built by Arthur Todd – Lost Katanning

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